Kristen L. Jackson

Dec 29, 20185 min

The Power of Music

"It must always be about the music, the songs. The world wants to sing. To rejoice. Never take for granted the power of a song. Love, not hate." —Brent Smith, Shinedown

Music has a certain kind of power.

In every corner of the world the steady beat of a drum accompanied by the strum of fingers brushing over strings touches the lives and emotions of a multitude of people in various ways.

Whether its amplified with a powerful rock beat, a low, twangy tune of sorrow, or the soothingly mournful breath of two voices embracing like soul-mates, it speaks to us.

In celebration or mourning, in love or disdain, thankfulness or despair; a string of musical notes can release emotions from deep within our hearts.

A song has the potential to touch a person's soul, possessing the universal ability to speak to us on a level to which not much else can compare.

The impact of music on our lives is not a new concept.

In fact, there are passages in the bible that encourage songs and music.

"Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals." —Psalm 150:3-5

Every Sunday in churches around the globe, voices join together to rise in praise, fellowship, and love.

Because it brings us closer to our beliefs and allows us to rejoice in our faith.

And that's only one of the ways music is intertwined with our lives.

“Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” ― Keith Richards

On the drive to work, we crank up the volume and belt out the words, carefree and happy to let the music flow around us when we're all alone.

As we watch television and movies, songs both old and new are woven throughout, helping to create the picture and tell the story. The tune can make our hearts speed up - or bring tears of sorrow to our eyes.

Have you ever heard a song on the radio, and with just a note or a lyric it transports you back to another time, another place?

Even a deaf person can feel the beat and rhythm of the music.

At holiday time, music lifts us up, creating a festive mood.

During the most important moments in our lives, music is there.

Weddings. Birthdays. Graduations. Funerals.

We each associate certain songs with events in our own individual worlds.

The power of music.

Music can be the hidden miracle, or the proof that amazing things can, and do, happen. It can be a reminder of times past, lessons learned, people we've loved. It can be an ode to history, or a prediction of things to come.

It can remind of darker times, and teach us to remember the path not to take.

"Our scars remind us, that the past is real." —Papa Roach

Yes, there is power in music.

For as long as I can remember, music has touched my life.

The words of "'You Are My Sunshine', my only sunshine," are forever a part of me because my mom sang this song to me thousands of times. I, in turn, sang this same song to my own children, hopefully creating memories they will cherish as I do.

I was in the church choir when I was a kid. Standing in front of the congregation, I quickly realized that center-stage was not for me. I much preferred singing from the safety of my pew, while still enjoying the music.

Long ago, my parents surprised me with my first concert to see my favorite singer at the time —Shawn Cassidy—when I was 8-years-old... "Met her on a Monday and my heart stood still, Da-Do-Run-Run-Run". (Be still my young, infatuated heart!) What an amazing experience.

Looking back, I can remember my mom playing albums like 'Abba' and 'The Eagles' on her old stereo, the speakers vibrating as she cleaned or cooked. "You can't hide, your lyin' eyes..."

And whenever I hear the golden oldies, I inevitably think of my dad. I can picture the way he would tilt his head, close his eyes, and sing along letting the music carry him away... "Still like that old time rock'n' roll, That kind of music just soothes the soul, I reminisce about the days of old, With that old time rock 'n' roll..." Oh, how I miss watching his pure enjoyment of all genres of music.

My childhood Christmastime was filled with the bold, jaunty vocals of Johnny Mathis...I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas... which would fill the house, creating an air of jubilation for the coming holiday. And now, with my own children, it's Amy Grant's lilting voice that signifies the season for celebrating is near..."the night before Christmas..."

And of course, my wedding song will forever bring tears to my eyes and love to my heart as I look at my husband of 28 years and we sing The Jeff Healey Band: "How did I ever win your love? What did I do? What did I say? To turn your Angel Eyes my way?"

How about Shinedown's 'The Sound of Madness' cd, given to my husband for his birthday on a vacation trip to Wildwood, N.J., that will forever make us think of the beach and how we bungled the words to the song 'Haley's Comet' while riding in the car? It never fails to make us smile at the memory.

Or the 25th anniversary trip to Hawaii, with Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's (IZ) 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' pouring from a blue-tooth speaker as we sailed on a cruiseship into Maui with multiple actual rainbows following us on the horizon.

The list could go on and on, as I'm sure it could for every one of you.

Memories strewn throughout our own musical timelines.

The power of music.

I can only hope that music has been a constant source of soothing for you as it has always been for me.

No matter which is your musical genre of choice, breathe in the music and let it take you away.

Much the same as a good book, the words can lift you to another world, time or place.

Let them.

"Let it be, let it be. Let it be, yeah, let it be. There will be an answer. Let it be." —The Beatles

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” ― Bob Marley

Keep On Reading,


Kristen L. Jackson, Author of KEEPER OF THE WATCH

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A Children's Picture Book Coming May 28, 2019

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